April 22, 2024

To : All Customers of the Buckingham Village Water System

Dear Customer,

On Wednesday May 1st Buckingham Township Water Department personnel will conduct a routine flushing of the water distribution system serving your home or business. This will remove naturally occurring sedimentation in the pipes coming from our well. We will be starting at approximately 11:00pm on May 1st and expect to be finished by 3:00am on Thursday May 2nd. We ask that you try not to use water during that period or only very minimal amounts if needed.

After flushing residual cloudy water may remain for a few hours. If cloudy water persists longer than that, customers should call the Water Department Utility billing line at 215-794-8854 and an operator will be on call to assist you. After business hours, please call the same number an an operator will be paged.

We note that there are several homes that are not owner-occupied. We would appreciate it if you would convey this information to your tenant(s).

We thank you for your patience with our efforts in maintaining the high quality of your drinking water. Prior to the start of flushing, please do not hesitate to call me with any questions at 215-794-8854 and leave a message or you may call Stephen Clark, Water and Wastewater Department Director at 215-794-8834.

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