Buckingham Township Environmental Advisory Commission - WINTER TIPS

Rock your sweaters.

When the mercury plunges, it’s tempting to turn up that thermostat dial. This winter, don’t turn-up, layer-up! Throw on an extra sweater, add a blanket to the bed and break out your silly-socks collection. Keeping your thermostat just a few degrees cooler in winter—say, 68°—will save you money and energy. (It just may help you get a better night’s sleep too.)

2 Spare the salt.

Think twice before you sprinkle rock salt over your icy driveway and sidewalks. A common de-icing agent, rock salt contains chemicals that pollute drinking water, harm wildlife and can even corrode concrete. Consider switching to sand, sawdust or chemical-free kitty litter instead. See Salt Watch (iwla.org) for more information.

3 Become an air-leak sleuth.

Warm air isn’t the only thing leaking out of inadequately sealed areas of your home: it’s also a drain on your wallet. To cut your heating bills—and your cooling bills in summer—check for drafts coming from windows, doors, duct work, attic, soffits and fireplace shafts. For a professional audit, contact your favorite home-energy specialist or visit www.peco.com and click on the “Save with an Energy Assessment” box.

4 Seal your home’s thermal envelope with care.

Caulking stationary gaps, weatherstripping windows and doors, and adding insulation to your attic floor are relatively easy, low-cost ways to make your home more energy efficient. Just be sure when you’re sealing your house you’re not sealing in contaminants and moisture as well. To learn more about inside-air quality and proper ventilation, go to https:/wwepa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/protect-indoor-air-quality-your-home

5 “Green” your home with new incentives.

There has never been a better time to reduce your home’s energy leakage, install super-efficient appliances and upgrade heating and cooling equipment (or both at once, with an electric heat pump). For information on rebates, tax credits and other incentives available to Buckingham residents, go to https://www.energystar.gov/rebate-finder and enter “18902” in the box.


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