Tax Collector

Real Estate Tax
Ann Calderaio- Tax Collector in Buckingham
4695 York Road
P.O. Box 583
Buckingham, PA 18912
Phone: 215-794-3070
Fax: 215-278-6500
MON-WED: 9:30AM - 2:30PM
In Buckingham Township two property tax bills are issued annually
1) The County & Township RE Tax Bill is issued on 3/1 and covers the calendar year
If paid by 4/30, you pay at a 2% discounted rate
If paid by 6/30, you pay the face amount (assessment x tax rate)
If paid on 7/1 or thereafter, you pay a 10% penalty
The current County tax rate is 27.45 mills, and the current Township tax rate is 4.75 mills = 32.2 mills total for this bill
2) The Central Bucks School District RE Tax Bill is issued on 7/1 and covers CBSD’s fiscal cycle which runs 7/1-6/30 of the following year
If paid by 8/31, you pay at a 2% discounted rate
If paid by 10/31, you pay the face amount (assessment x tax rate)
If paid on 11/1 or thereafter, you pay a 10% penalty
The current CBSD tax rate is: 138.32 mills
Earned Income Tax and Local Services Tax
Earned Income Tax (EIT) and Local Service Tax (LST)
Keystone Collections Group
PO Box 529
Irwin, PA 15642-0529
Taxpayer Help Line: 1-866-539-1100
Employer Help Line: 1-866-328-0558