Agricultural and Open Space Preservation Committee
The Buckingham Township Agricultural and Open Space Preservation Committee is a volunteer committee which is appointed by the Board of Supervisors. These members must be residents or property owners within Buckingham Township, with at least two of the members being actively involved in farming.
The purposes of the Committee are:
- To preserve farmland, open space, natural areas, woodlands, stream valleys, historic and natural resources within Buckingham Township;
- To assist the Board of Supervisors when called upon in connection with the aforementioned purposes;
- To make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors with regard to the acquisition of farm easements, development rights, and similar actions; and
- To prepare rules and regulations to assist in the administration of the work of this Committee.
Please contact the Township office (215-794-8834) if you wish to obtain an Application Form and to be provided further information on preservation of your property.
Meeting Schedule: As Needed
- Maggie Rash, Government Representative
- Thomas A. Gilbert, Chairperson
- Susan Sciacca, Recording Secretary
- Jon Yerkes
- Peggy Turley
- Karl Bromm
- Frank Ripp, Jr.