Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the water fluoridated?
No, there are only very small traces of fluoride in some of our wells. If you feel your children would benefit from fluoride, please contact your family dentist.
Where does our water come from?
All Buckingham Township public water supply is from wells near the communities being served.
Our water seems very hard, is it?
Buckingham water is moderately hard with hardness ranging between 100 and 150 mg/l (7 to 10 grains per gallon).
How much water does a normal family of 4 use and how can I see how we compare?
This is a hard question but the average we are seeing with water conserving fixtures is around 18,000 to 23,000 gallons per quarter or 197 to 252 gallons per day. You can compare by noting the quantity of water on your bill and dividing it by the number of days in the billing period. You can also watch your consumption more closely by periodically reading your water meter.
What should I do if I have a water emergency or no water?
Call 215-794-8854. We have an automated phone system for off-hour calls that will automatically page our water operators if you follow the step directions on the voice mail message. Please remember to leave your name, address and phone number so we may contact you if we need to.
I live near a Township operated Wastewater Sprayfield. What are my concerns?
Although this type of wastewater disposal is rare in Bucks County, there is a trend towards spray irrigation of treated wastewater in our area because it represents a way to return water to the area from which it was drawn. This is especially important in Buckingham which lies fully within the Delaware River Basin Commission's designated groundwater protection area. We treat all wastewater, usually in large lagoons, to meet secondary or advanced secondary treatment criteria. As such, the water being spray irrigated is at the same level that is required for most stream discharges. Since we have no industry connected to our systems, the wastewater contains little if any regulated chemicals. Before we spray, we chlorinate to provide disinfection. Every Quarter we monitor wells at the sprayfield perimeters for several chemical constituents. The Pa. Department of Environmental Protection sets limits for spraying to prevent groundwater mounding and migration of nitrate nitrogen to the groundwater in excess of the safe drinking water limits. We have automatic controls working that automatically shut the irrigation system off if there is a pipe break or if wind becomes too high. Because of all this, we view lots overlooking our spray sites to be not only safe but actually prime real estate since the sprayfields should be in place for as long as we treat wastewater affording the homeowner adjacent preserved open space.
For more information on the Benefits of Spray Irrigation and Water Reuse, click here.
Why is my sewer bill flat-rate instead of consumption based like the water bill?
We have numerous wastewater customers with their own wells that can not be reasonably metered. When the rates were set 10 years ago, the Supervisors felt it was the fairest billing system for all. As more and more customers are on public water systems each year, we are looking at possibly instituting a consumption-based rate with well owners paying an average use flat rate.
When will I receive my Water and/or Sewer Bill, and how is it calculated?
Per the township fee schedule resolution, the following information should be helpful:
- Billing is sent out on a quarterly basis. Bills are mailed out on approximately the 15th of the month following the close of a quarter (i.e. April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15). Every bill will show the dates for the full billing period (i.e. 01/01/05 - 03/31/05), regardless of when settlement took place.
- If you have moved into the township during the billing quarter, your bill will be prorated according to your settlement date.
- The first meter reading is taken at the final inspection of a new home by the Building Inspector, or when a water certification is requested for re-sale. For questions about billing or procedures, please call (215) 794-8854.
What should I do if I see a sewer manhole overflowing?
Call 215-794-8854. We have an automated phone system for off-hour calls that will automatically page our wastewater operators if you follow the step directions on the voice mail message. Please remember to leave your name, address and phone number so we may contact you if there is a problem.